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HomeThoroughbred Incentive Program

CDCTA Thoroughbred Award

The CDCTA Thoroughbred Award is given to the Thoroughbred with the most total CDCTA year end points in Eventing regardless of level or levels competed. To be eligible you must send in your Jockey Club TIP# (Thoroughbred Incentive Program) to the Eventing Year-End Awards coordinator by the December 5th deadline. 

TIP Form

CDCTA Thoroughbred Award Winners

2014 Flux Capacitor/Vixen Hill Thoroughbreds
 2015 My Baby Grand/Stephanie Traylor
2016 Wren Wrouge/Amy Parsons
2017 Tribal Prospect/Kathleen Cannon
2018 Steady Eddy/Suzy Gehris
2019  Oh So Extreme/Lindsay Berreth
2020  Steady Eddy/Susan Gehris

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