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Volunteer Recognition
We Love Our Volunteers!
All of CDCTA’s activities depend on volunteers. Some of these are high visibility, like managing the Horse Trials or the Recognized Dressage Show. Others are lower visibility, like jump judging or providing lunch for a clinic. They are ALL important. All the organizers in the world cannot put on any kind of event without volunteers.
CDCTA’s primary incentive for volunteers is a requirement to receive a year-end award. All members must volunteer at least one full day to qualify. Anyone who volunteers two or more days will be recognized at the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet in January. There will be a special gift for those who volunteer five days or more. There may be a gift for those who volunteer 3 or 4 days. (This decision will be made after November when volunteer days are tallied.) These gifts will only be available to volunteers; they will not be available for sale.
The manager of each show or activity reports all volunteer activities to the Volunteer Awards Program coordinator. A volunteer activity report is listed on our web site so that you may check your status. If you do not see your volunteer service listed on our web site within 2 weeks from the activity, contact the show manager.
It is the member’s responsibility to verify that the volunteer time has been properly recorded. These reports will be used for the Eventing Year-End Awards Program, the Dressage Year-End Awards Program, special awards programs, and for the Year-End Volunteer Awards Program.
There are many services that can be performed to fulfill this requirement, and not all require your attendance at a horse show. Some can be done from your home. If you have difficulty finding a volunteer service that you can perform, contact the Volunteer Coordinator for ideas and suggestions. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! It is your responsibility to do your volunteer time if you expect to receive a Year-End Award. Members who live in remote areas and have difficulty attending CDCTA functions should propose an activity to be held in their area. CDCTA may then sponsor the activity.
The activity proposal must be made during the first quarter of the year and submitted by phone or in writing to a member of the CDCTA Board of Directors. If your volunteer activity is an ongoing one, not directly associated with a particular show or clinic (such as handling classified ads in the newsletter), you should report your time directly to the Volunteer Awards Program Coordinator. This report should include the name of a CDCTA Board Member who can confirm your activity.
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